Saturday, November 24, 2007

Working on a Saturday

My my... working on a Saturday when the whole neighbourhood is still snoozing underneath the blankets. Driving out from the driveway seeing most cars still there sends a 'discouraging' message across. I am working in a company which is considered 'dinosauric' (if there's such a word!). Most companies have already adopted the 5-day week but looks like this company of mine ain't gonna change it's set mindset till kingdom come. I have worked in organizations which worked 5-day, 5 1/2 day, flexible hours throughout my career. Nonetheless, this 'working on a Saturday' syndrome, I call it WOAS, is getting to me in terms of mentally and physically after close to 4 years here. The weekend seems so short and with a blink of the eye, it is back to work again on Monday. This kind of work arrangement sure does affect the morale and sap the energy, no matter how positive one's outlook can be. Looking towards to the day where I can joined in the rest of the Malaysian population in saying, "I work on a 5-day week"

1 comment:

Krista Goon said...

Poor gal. Weekends are meant to be enjoyed and savoured. I've stopped checking my emails on Sundays. I don't want to ruin a perfectly fine Sunday by some emergency or another. I hope that you will have the good fortune to join a company that works only 5 days a week (haha, Redbox Studio does that). I think it's crazy to expect people to work on Saturdays.

My Collection of Quotations

"I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows met he stars"

"For everything you have missed, you have gained something else; And for everything you gain, you lose something else. It is about your outlook towards life. You can either regret or rejoice.

"The event is nothing. The RESPONSE is everything"